Governor Cooke's Address Regarding The Robb Elementary Mass Shooting That Killed 19 Students and 2 Adults
On May 24, 2022, at Robb Elementary, in Ulvade, Texas, 18 Year Old Salvador Ramos entered Robb Elementary and committed the ultimate atrocity. He began opening fire on school staff and students. Texas Governor Greg Abbot addressed reporters on the shooting, which was a bold move by him and his administration. Ramos ultimately killed 21 people and destroying 21 beautiful families. In the days that followed, Texas began a review of school safety policies in place at Robb Elementary, something that could have ultimately prevented this massacre altogether.
The State Of New Shire, in the hours following the mass slayings, began implementing and preparing to launch school safety protocols in, at and around school properties statewide. I instructed the New Shire State Police to begin posting troopers outside of all schools in the State Of New Shire. This senseless and aggregious act could have been prevented if the state responded appropriately to the early system failures in place at the Uvalde School District.
My thoughts and prayers are with the families, friends and staff of the victims of the Uvalde School Massacre. It makes my blood boil that such an act could occur today and that society doesn't care how old the victims are who are seriously injured or killed. It breaks my heart for the husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers who are in pain, a pain that will never go away.
Uvalde failed these victims, and the district should be held accountable for the loss these failures incurred on these families. My thoughts and prayers are with the husband who died of a heart attack.
In response to the shooting in Uvalde Texas, our state is authorizing a ban on assault weapon sales in local stores, supermarkets or any licensed fire arm sales place or vendor. We will also implement authorized access only on school and educational facility property at all times. The basis for which only: Students, Staff, Parents and/or Legal Guardians will be allowed on site. We will also order that all school doors remain closed at all times while school is in session.
We all grieve with the families of Uvalde. Mothers and Fathers who won't get to hold their children, Grandparents who will never get to hug their grandchildren, experience fishing and brothers and sisters who will grow up without their mother or father or sister or brother. We will continue to fight the school violence epidemic head on and will continue fighting to ensure no other schools become victims of school violence and gun violence.
Thank You,
Thomas Cook